Saving Lives, One reader At A Time
Rocket Phonics Foundation assists in closing the reading achievement gap through the use of the Rocket Phonics reading program. We are a nonprofit whose current focus is literacy for 4 to 8-year-olds. We offer an innovative solution whose results are beyond what seems possible. We bring that solution to early learning environments in your neighborhood be they preschool, after school, or summer school. Our collaboration is scalable so we can support your efforts to expand.

We Facilitate Learning
We provide the curriculum which is a series of games and training. Your volunteers will learn to recognize dyslexia and pick games to resolve it. We provide additional support for those children who are not making significant progress.
All our support will go through the nonprofit organization you work with(often a church, but it could be a Boys and Girls Club.) If you are a leader with the desire to end the opportunity gap you are not alone. Together we can develop a high-quality learning environment in your neighborhood. Contact us and let’s work together to create a new community your heart calls out for.

Ruth was told if she tried very hard she would get to grade level in three years. She did it with Rocket Phonics games in 8 Weeks. Just 1 hour twice a week using Rocket Phonics brought her to grade level within just two months.

“My kid can’t read,” said Hal. Tony was 8 and he could only read his name. His father was told that he would never learn to read. In 3 months Tony was reading at a third-grade level. He was happy to read and ready to teach his little sister.
Success Stories

Ruth was told if she tried very hard she would get to grade level in three years. She did it with Rocket Phonics games in 8 Weeks. Just 1 hour twice a week using Rocket Phonics brought her to grade level within just two months.

“My kid can’t read,” said Hal. Tony was 8 and he could only read his name. His father was told that he would never learn to read. In 3 months Tony was reading at a third-grade level. He was happy to read and ready to teach his little sister.
Who We Work With
We work with leaders who will network different stakeholders in their neighborhood into a community. These are the stakeholders they will need:
A place for the children, often a church located in low income, low literacy neighborhoods. This guarantees access to the children who need it the most.
- Volunteers who love kids and enjoy playing with them.
- Time – the program lasts for 8 to 10 weeks.
- An entity that can measure before and after reading levels and report composite results usually the public school district. (Composite results protect the identity of the children.)
Our benchmarks needed to create a track record of effectiveness:
- Kindergarten readiness scores – usually tested by local school district
- Third grade reading scores – usually tested by local school district
This may seem overwhelming, but it can be as simple as one person working with his or her youth pastor to be the game coach for one child whose parents will give you their child’s reading scores. Play the games for no more than 30 minutes a session. Over the 8 weeks it is not unusual for the child to gain a full year in reading level. All you then need to do is get the post tutoring test scores and get the word out to the rest of your church and neighbors. Success is contagious.
Our vision is our mission
The Rocket Phonics Foundation’s mission is to save lives one reader at a time.
Our organization focuses on closing the reading achievement gap through the use of the Rocket Phonics reading program.
A Catalyst For Growth
Watch how communities like yours are making remarkable improvements in children’s reading levels with just 30 minutes per session. Our proven approach combines caring volunteers, local facilities, and innovative games to create lasting literacy success.
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