Bring Hope To Your Community

Currently, we are active in Sarasota and Manatee Counties, but if you want it in your county or even a different state we can work together to make it happen. No child should go through school unable to read his or her textbooks. Just contact us.

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By 8 years-old most children will decide their future based on one skill – reading. If they are not reading at grade level they will have a 50% unemployment rate for their adult life. Learn to read at grade level and they replace a cycle of poverty and abuse with cycles of hope, empowerment and success. It’s 90 minutes for you and a lifetime for them. Still unsure? Fill out this form and shadow a volunteer before you commit.

Tutor Preferences

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WOW! This Is Easy!

Brittany tells you everything you’ve ever wanted to know about playing the Rocket Phonics games. Don’t worry about memorizing it. It is just to take the anxiety away. No, you’ve never taught reading this way, but as long as the kids are having fun they will eventually memorize the phonics system. Relax, enjoy and have fun.

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Evaluating A New Student

Especially in elementary school the children’s skills have a large variety. Finding out where to start can be challenging for the new volunteer. This is usually done by the site coordinator so that the volunteers know where to start. If you’re a newbie this is what your site coordinator has done to set you up to win.

Our Mission And Vision

The Rocket Phonics Foundation’s mission is to save lives one reader at a time.
Our organization focuses on closing the reading achievement gap through the use of the Rocket Phonics reading program.

A Quick Introduction


We start with a person who cares enough about the children in their community to act. Next, we identify a facility to bring the kids to. This facility can be a preschool, a church, or a combination of both. Then we train the volunteers to play the games the children need.

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What We Do


Rocket Phonics Foundation assists in closing the reading achievement gap through the use of the Rocket Phonics reading program. We are a nonprofit whose current focus is literacy for 4 to 8-year-olds. We offer an innovative solution whose results are beyond what seems possible. We bring that solution to early learning environments in your neighborhood be they preschool, after school, or summer school. Our collaboration is scalable so we can support your efforts to expand.

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