Your Donation Helps Us Help Children And Communities

Literacy is the gateway to building skills in core academic subjects. Gained early it breaks the cycles of poverty and abuse and replaces them with cycles of hope, empowerment, and success. Our long-term goal is to bring all children to the grade level by third grade. This will be done one community at a time with leaders from that community who claim ownership. Please consider making a donation today, by helping children today you are helping children for generations to come.

Focused On Saving Lives One Reader At A Time

We play games with children that teach them to read. For many of our kids reading was a nightmare they dread, but the games and the rapid success turns it into a joy.

By 8 years-old most children will decide their future based on one skill – reading. If they are not reading at grade level they will have a 50% unemployment rate in their adult life. When they learn to read at grade level, they replace a cycle of poverty and abuse with cycles of hope, empowerment and success. Rocket Phonics, a series of reading games, can bring them to grade level in weeks instead of years. By current standards it’s a miracle. For low-income-low-literacy elementary kids its a life-saver.

Make A Donation

How Does A Donation Make A Difference?

  • $25 – Will supply a game coach to help 6 children
  • $50 – Will train 1 game coach to help 6 children
  • $100 – Will train a Site Coordinator to run a school site
  • $250 – Will supply a site coordinator to run a site

Make A Donation


Our vision is our mission

The Rocket Phonics Foundation’s mission is to save lives one reader at a time.
Our organization focuses on closing the reading achievement gap through the use of the Rocket Phonics reading program.


We start with a person who cares enough about the children in their community to act. Next, we identify a facility to bring the kids to. This facility can be a preschool, a church, or a combination of both. Then we train the volunteers to play the games the children need.

Why Churches?

  • They all qualify as non-profit organizations

  • They usually aren’t using their facility after school and during the weekday

  • They are already part of the community

Why Non-Profit Organizations?

Grade-level reading has gathered the support of many nonprofit organizations across this country. If you have a community that needs this support then chances are good we can find a local non-profit to fund the effort.

Start A Location


Currently, we are active in Sarasota and Manatee Counties, but if you want Rocket Phonics in your county or even a different state we can work together to make it happen. No child should go through school unable to read his or her textbooks.

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